
So, you’ve made the decision to run your accounts on Xero. Well done! This is a great move for you and your business – the hard part is mostly done.

Before you jump in and try setting up a Xero Account yourself using the free trial, we recommend giving us a call using the free trial platform we have set up for all our clients. This can help improve the testing stage and get you onto the best Xero plan for your business. We are also happy to help those businesses not yet working with us too!

Some Tips & Tricks

There are actually a few things that, when set up correctly, can save you extra time and stress when running your accounts through Xero. This platform has some fantastic time saving and automation functions which is where you get the most value out of transferring to Xero.

Let’s look at our top picks:

  • Bank Rules – We set these up for automated coding so that repeating expenses are already allocated to the correct account and supplier to approve at reconciliation.

  • Bank Feeds – This includes connecting all available accounts to upload all transactions directly into Xero where possible.

  • Contacts – It is useful if all your contacts have all the detail needed including bank account details, payment terms, contact details, etc.

  • Templates – We like your invoice templates to look good plus we make sure that all the required information is included before you start.

  • Chart of Accounts – This is the perfect time to review your account codes and ensure that these are set up correctly so that you have all the codes you need.

  • Inventory Items – This is also worth setting up correctly before you start invoicing as it can be a huge time saver plus helps with reporting later.

  • Business Performance Dashboard – This tailored view can be set up to present the main data and results that interest you each day.

  • Filing Returns – Xero can link directly to your IRD account which means filing your GST or PAYE returns can be done at the press of a button.

How Easy is it to Switch?

It should be easy for you but there is some work required for us to transfer your historic data and accounts. Depending on the volume of data and the software we are transferring from will define how long this may take to complete.

We have converted many clients to Xero, and all have found this process to be very easy, and the platform to be a lot more user-friendly than their previous accounting systems.

If you don’t need any data or history imported, then you can just give us your last financial accounts. We can bring the prior year’s data into your new Xero account and away we go!

Where to From Here?

If you are still unsure about whether to move to Xero then have a play with the demo company available here, and get a feel for how the platform works and how easy it is to use.

When you are ready, give us a call and we can set you up with a trial account for your business and let you know the monthly plan we recommend.  We also offer one-on-one training to get you confidently using Xero in no time!